My Favorite Interview About Pain, Anxiety, Depression, & Stress

Uncategorized Jan 08, 2022

Hello My Fellow Humas.

This is an amazingly relevant conversation especially during the #COVID #pandemic with regards to not only #pain, but also #stress, #anxiety, and #depression.

There are so many messages that I try to share with others, but Dr. Zoffness does a remarkable job of using metaphors or analogies to explain science-based takes on the above issues.

#stomachache #headache #chronicpain #PTSD #posttraumaticstressdisorder #ACES #adversechildhoodexperiences #painscience #painmanagement #socialanxiety #phobia #stigma #feelings #limbicsystem #modernpainscience #hypervigilance #entericnervoussystem #serotonin #zoffness #zdoggmd #teakettling #emotionalrepression #passiveaggression #performanceanxiety #onlywayoutisthrough #passion #mentalillness #anxietyisreal #exposuretherapy #nervous #whyisbiggerthantheanxiety #authenticity #makingadifference #getoutofyourownway #babysteps #donotflood #impostersyndrome #racism

I hope you enjoy this amazing Fac...

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Australia Adventures

australia May 01, 2017

Aside from poisonous snakes and spiders, I always love to travel to Australia. The sense of change, adventure, seeing friends, and meeting new people give me such joy. It is no surprise that I always want to go back.

My most recent adventure took me to Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, and the suburbs of Sydney. In every city, we had the opportunity to use the city bikes (<$3 per day) to see more of the surroundings with my fiancé. It is such an awesome way to stay active and remain full of energy, especially when the weather works in our favor.

Of course, early spring in October is our favorite time to explore Australia as it is not too hot and not to cold for my cold-natured self.

Let’s not forget the animals…kangaroos, wombats, koalas, and yes, camels! Whether at zoos, sanctuaries, or at the sand dunes, there is plenty of animal variety in Australia.

As for other beauty, the botanical gardens in all cities were readily accessible and beautifully maintained. Some of the trees ...

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New Zealand Adventures

new zealand Mar 01, 2017

Where do I start? New Zealand is purely amazing and the most serene place I have visited. Unlike Australia, there are no poisonous snakes or spiders with which to be concerned. My last adventure was filled with traveling between the north and south islands with my fiancé. We had the opportunity to not only travel in a car on the opposite side of the road and on the opposite side of the car, but explore cities by bike for more fun exercise and even wine tours! My favorite wine tour by bike was in Hastings. Cycling through neighboring lots with sheep and other wildlife was just too cool.

Then there are those visits with friends who let us get up close and personal with their own animals.

The first time for me to hold a baby piglet and lamb.








But I must admit that the coolest of adventures was down to the south island. In the city of Kaikoura, I had the blessing of diving with dusky dolphins.


Shortly after the dolphin experience, we saw these seal pups from ...

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Dr. Cady's Back Pain Story

back pain Jan 15, 2017

Although I am bending appropriately at my hip joints in this picture, this pose would have been difficult during a unique time during medical school.

During my medical training, I was engaging in one of my typical workouts with weights. However, I was using very heavy weight with a hack leg press and shifted to using one leg versus both legs. Then there was a twinge in my low back on my right side. However, it was not extraordinarily painful. In fact, it was barely perceptible.

Then the next morning came around. Extreme pain in my low right back made it nearly impossible for me to tie my own shoes. As many do, I just tried to push through it and get through the days with the hopes that it would go away.

After about a week, the back pain was not better and I decided to go see a local osteopathic physician. I was told that I was pushing too hard with working out everyday. As many active people can attest to, just being active every day does not mean “too much.” It all depends on how y...

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How did the book PAINDEMIC come to be?

paindemic Nov 01, 2016

I can tell you there was never any grand scheme to be an author. It has been an evolution of sorts.

With an appetite for motion, I was very active as an athlete during my teenage years and college. I know the pain of dealing with pushing through pain for achieving higher fitness including 6 minute miles. My sports included softball, track and field, basketball, volleyball, and soccer which had different demands, including time (which led to discontinuing marching band in 9th grade).

During an intramural co-ed basketball game at the University of Texas at Austin, I endured a torn ACL (anterior cruciate ligament). The physical pain was not as bad as the emotional pain…I was supposed to try out for the very first UT Austin Girls Varsity Soccer team. I realized then just how much it meant to me to remain active. Yes, when you are denied what gives you the most pleasure, it can be incredibly painful. Not the end of the world to be out of commission from sports, but it was my world…and a v...

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